Forum > Events

Spring Work Party


Greg Lock:

NOW:      Saturday May-11TH

               1 pm

Please bring gloves, rakes and shovels.

Here is the work we would like to accomplish that day.

1-hand rake the transition from the geotech to the dirt to make a smooth
2-some of the nails at the geotech joints are a little loose. we need to
push down what's loose and replace some of the shorter nails.
3-repair old and new prop strikes with gorilla tape
4-tape over the north/south joints to prevent wheels from catching
5-reverse the electrical outlets on the charging tables (flip the end boards) so people charging are
facing the runway
6-add patio blocks to the other side of the charging stations
7-patio block paths to the charging stations 8-patio blocks under the closest plane stands to the walkway.

Hope that we can get a good turn out and get all that done.


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