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Events / BJM Physics 30 Class Visit
« Last post by Howard McKay on March 15, 2022, 06:22:26 PM »
from 9-1130 am
Events / 2022 Saskatoon CPPRA Pylon Race
« Last post by Greg Lock on March 09, 2022, 05:51:10 AM »
The CPPRA pylon races will be hosted by the HCCRC at Richardt Field on August 20 & 21.
8am-4pm both days
Q500 (AMA_426) Saturday, Q40 (AMA422) Sunday
$50 per event to participate.
Free to the viewing public.
Concession on site.
If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Martin at OR call (306)270-9318
Events / JET RALLY -correction no TOC required
« Last post by Greg Lock on March 09, 2022, 05:50:16 AM »
The Hub City Radio Control Club will host a 2 Day Jet Rally on Thursday August 25th and Friday August 26th at Richardt Field.

Pilots must have MAAC for turbine powered aircraft.

optional donation to the runway fund as a land fee.

Social evenings.

Lunch will be available both days (12 noon - 2pm)
-Spectators are welcome.
-No fee for spectators.
-Bring a lawn chair!
-Wheelchair accessible
Events / AIR SHOW
« Last post by Greg Lock on March 09, 2022, 05:48:06 AM »
The Hub City Radio Control Club will host an Airshow on Sunday, August 28th at Richardt Field.

No fee for pilots.  Pilots must have their MAAC and C-wings, or have a C-wings spotter to fly.

The AIR SHOW will be open to the public.

The gates will open at 10am.
The AIR SHOW will run from 1pm to 3pm
Spectator Admission: $5/person or $15/carload
Food Concession on site. Come out for lunch!
-Airplane displays
-Flying demos of planes, rockets, helicopters and more
-Hilarious specialty r/c flying Acts
-Bring a lawn chair!
-Wheelchair accessible.
Events / Art Cey "Bring in the New Year on Skis" Event
« Last post by Greg Lock on December 10, 2021, 05:16:33 PM »
Art Cey "Bring in the New Year on Skis" Event

Since weather conditions are forecast to improve for Sunday, the Art Cey "Bring In The New Year On Skis" event has been moved from Saturday to

Sunday, January 2, starting at 1:00pm

See you there!

Darryl Wurtz
Hub City Radio Control Club

We'll be gathering at Richardt Field around 1pm to kickoff 2022 with a flight on skis.
There will be hot coffee in the clubhouse.
Dress warm!  It should be a good time.

To fly, you must be a member in good standing for 2022, and you must have your A-Wings.
Events / General Meeting & Indoor Fun-Fly
« Last post by Greg Lock on December 10, 2021, 05:07:42 PM »
General Meeting & Indoor Fun-Fly, Hangar 6
Flying starts at 6:30pm, meeting at 7pm, flying ends 9'ish.

Tuesday - Feb-8th
Tuesday - March-8th
Tuesday - April-12th

Location:  Hangar 6, Wayne Hicks Lane in the airport area
Directions - Travel to 45th St. W., turn north on Thayer, then west on Wayne Hicks Lane.  Hangar 6 is on the north side of the road.  Hangar 6 is owned by by Aero Logistics of America. Millenium Aviation is also a tenant.

NO CHARGE..!  Bring a lawn chair.
Must have HCRCC & MAAC memberships, and A wings to fly. 
HCRCC & MAAC registration forms will be available.
180 gm max size for fixed wing, 250 gm for heli or quad.
Events / Special General Meeting
« Last post by Greg Lock on November 17, 2021, 05:38:41 AM »
Special General Meeting - 7pm  -  November 23rd.

It is very important that everyone comes out to this meeting!

Prestige Hauling
3914 Thatcher Avenue

The main topic will be the new Runway.

Bring a lawn chair.
« Last post by Greg Lock on November 16, 2021, 03:04:10 PM »
Due to weather and road conditions forecast to be worsening throughout the day, the Special Meeting tonight is cancelled
Events / Awards Night & Indoor Fly
« Last post by Greg Lock on November 06, 2021, 05:07:44 PM »
Awards Night & Indoor Flying       (No General Meeting)

November 9th
Doors open at 6m.
Awards at 7pm.

Aero Logistics America Inc.
Hangar #6, Wayne Hicks Lane
John G. Diefenbaker Airport
Saskatoon, SK, S7L 5X4

Indoor flying 6pm to 7pm
7pm - Awards Presentations
After the Awards Presentations, more indoor flying till 9pm.

Bring a lawn chair.

*Note: the Special General Meeting will be held on November 16th.
Events / U of S Aero Design Team
« Last post by Greg Lock on September 18, 2021, 01:37:10 PM »
U of S Aero Design Team
Saturday, September 25
11am to 2pm

The U of S Aero Design Team will be out at our field to showcase the plane they have built this year.
Come out and ask about the design criteria and the contest they will be entering into later this year.
There is a great deal of collaboration and engineering that they pour into this project.
Then watch RLee fly it!   

Also, the U of S Aero Design Team will be providing lunch: burgers, pop, and condiments.
Thank you very much!
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