« Last post by Greg Lock on December 10, 2021, 05:07:42 PM »
General Meeting & Indoor Fun-Fly, Hangar 6
Flying starts at 6:30pm, meeting at 7pm, flying ends 9'ish.
Tuesday - Feb-8th
Tuesday - March-8th
Tuesday - April-12th
Location: Hangar 6, Wayne Hicks Lane in the airport area
Directions - Travel to 45th St. W., turn north on Thayer, then west on Wayne Hicks Lane. Hangar 6 is on the north side of the road. Hangar 6 is owned by by Aero Logistics of America. Millenium Aviation is also a tenant.
NO CHARGE..! Bring a lawn chair.
Must have HCRCC & MAAC memberships, and A wings to fly.
HCRCC & MAAC registration forms will be available.
180 gm max size for fixed wing, 250 gm for heli or quad.