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Events / Pylon Racing
« Last post by Greg Lock on August 06, 2020, 07:37:54 PM »

Once again CPPRA pylon races will be hosted by the HCRCC at Richardt field on August 22 & 23.

8am-3pm both days.

Saturday Q500 / Sunday Q40

$50 per day to participate

A concession will be run both days. BBQ for contestants on Saturday evening.

If you have any questions contact Jeff Martin at OR call 306-270-9318

Provincial regulations due to Covid-19 in effect.
Events / New Pilot Training
« Last post by Greg Lock on August 04, 2020, 07:13:32 PM »
This will probably be the last Pilot Training day for this calendar year. We will resume in the spring!

Pilot Training

Sunday Morning

10:00am till 12:00 noon - weather pending.   


« Last post by Greg Lock on July 20, 2020, 06:46:11 AM »
The Hub City Radio Control Club will be hosting the annual MAAC Zone Meeting for 2020 scheduled for Sept-13th at Richardt Field starting at 1:00pm

Saskatchewan Zone Director for MAAC, Brian Whitehead, will be leading the meeting.

*As a courtesy, no flying please while the one hour meeting is in progress. Instead, please join the meeting.

For a full description of the event, please sign in to your MAAC membership account.

Thank you,

Model Aeronautics Association of Canada
Events / Work Crew Needed
« Last post by Greg Lock on June 22, 2020, 08:12:06 PM »
Tree cleanup and transplanting. Bring a shovel and gloves.
Thursday July 23, 6:30-8pm
Rick Reid
Events / Father's Day Fun Fly
« Last post by Greg Lock on June 15, 2020, 05:07:00 PM »
Father's Day Fun Fly
Sunday, June-21st.     10am to 2pm

Having cancelled the Provincial Fun Fly due to Covid-19 restrictions, we decided instead to have a club get together Sunday from 10:00am to 2:00pm

2 meter spacing in effect.We have to limit the number of persons at the field to 30, so this will be just for our club members and their guests.  We will not be inviting other clubs.

This will be a small informal get together.  There will BBQ burgers at noon. Moose burgers and regular burgers.

Come out and see some old friends, from 2 meters away. Just talk louder.  Check out the clubhouse.

Events / Control Line
« Last post by Greg Lock on June 15, 2020, 04:45:40 PM »

Monday evenings starting at 6pm.   

This will be an informal "fun fly" type event for all types of control line models, and pilots of all skill levels. It will take place on Monday evening, at 6:00 pm and going until its too dark to fly.

Visitors and spectators welcome.

If you come out to fly with us, a few things to note: Must have MAAC membership. MAAC Safety Code for control line requires your handle to be equipped of a safety cord wrist strap to prevent fly-away's in the event that one should accidentally let go of the handle during flight. 1/2A 049 models are exempted from this rule. To facilitate physical distancing, I will bring out a couple of launching stooges to allow pilots to start their engines and launch their models without having to have someone hold the plane as they do so. For those of us who wish to run our Fox 35's and/or combat planes the way they were designed to be run, the muffler requirement will be waived for this event.

If there are any questions, contact me by email, or call or text me at 306-203-6244.
Fair winds and tight lines,
Darryl Wurtz
Events / Combat!
« Last post by Greg Lock on May 13, 2020, 06:06:35 PM »
Combat is on Tuesday evenings starting at 6:00pm   (weather pending)

Provincial Rules and Regulations in Effect!

Events / Field Re-Opening
« Last post by Greg Lock on May 13, 2020, 05:52:01 PM »
Richardt Field will Re-open on May 15, 2020 with limitations.

We MUST follow Provincial Regulations!

The field is open to members only, no visitors or spectators.
Physical distancing must observed at all times, with a minimum of two metres of space between individuals.
No more than 10 people are allowed at the field at one time.  Period.

Spray bottles of bleach mixture* are located at key places at the field. Spray all surfaces that you use before and after use. (*bleach mix = 1/2 cup bleach to 1 gallon water)
Washroom will be open, please use the bleach spray on the door handles before and after each use.
You are responsible for any personal protection equipment that you may require, such as masks and gloves.
It is recommended that you bring sanitizer to clean your hands after touching any surfaces including the spray bottles and gate lock.

Events / Indoor Quad Fly Event
« Last post by Greg Lock on February 15, 2020, 01:42:48 PM »
Indoor Quad Fly Event!

Saturday Feb-22
1pm - 4pm

Location:   425 - 34th St. East.  (The empty warehouse right next door to Express Hobbies.)
The door will be open at 1pm.

Bring a chair.

Flight area is about 35 x 40 feet with 9 foot ceilings, The center area will be open space with racing gates around the perimeter.  There will be extra goggles and monitors to view the FPV action, also I will have an FPV Tiny Whoop available for anyone to try fly.  All people with Inductrix, Dromida, Tello, and other small Quad copters welcome to come fly indoors or get some assistance with their models.

Come out and learn more about Quad Flying and First Person View!

You must have your MAAC membership to fly.

Events / General Meeting & Indoor Funfly
« Last post by Greg Lock on January 12, 2020, 02:15:23 PM »
March 11th.

General Meeting & Indoor Funfly, Hangar 6
Flying starts at 6:30pm, meeting at 7pm, flying ends 9'ish.

Location:  Hangar 6, Wayne Hicks Lane in the airport area
Directions - Travel to 45th St. W., turn north on Thayer, then west on Wayne Hicks Lane.  Hangar 6 is on the north side of the road.  Hangar 6 is owned by by Aero Logistics of America. Millenium Aviation is also a tenant

NO CHARGE..!  Bring a lawn chair.
Must have MAAC to fly.  HCRCC & MAAC registration forms will be available.
180 gm max size for fixed wing, 450 gm for heli or quad.
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