Events / Pylon Racing
« Last post by Greg Lock on August 06, 2020, 07:37:54 PM » C A N C E L L E D ! DUE TO WEATHER.
Once again CPPRA pylon races will be hosted by the HCRCC at Richardt field on August 22 & 23.
8am-3pm both days.
Saturday Q500 / Sunday Q40
$50 per day to participate
A concession will be run both days. BBQ for contestants on Saturday evening.
If you have any questions contact Jeff Martin at jsmartin@sasktel.net OR call 306-270-9318
Provincial regulations due to Covid-19 in effect.
Once again CPPRA pylon races will be hosted by the HCRCC at Richardt field on August 22 & 23.
8am-3pm both days.
Saturday Q500 / Sunday Q40
$50 per day to participate
A concession will be run both days. BBQ for contestants on Saturday evening.
If you have any questions contact Jeff Martin at jsmartin@sasktel.net OR call 306-270-9318
Provincial regulations due to Covid-19 in effect.